Hata Kousaku (voiced by Shintaro Asanuma) is an ordinary boy. After graduation, he entered the Gifu Prefectural Tianshi Agricultural and Forestry High School for further studies. What Hata Kousaku did not expect was that the beautiful girl idol Kusanagi Yuka (voiced by Yukari Tamura) whom he had always admired crazily became a new transfer student. However, unlike the lively and cheerful girl on TV, the girl in front of him was expressionless and even a little indifferent. What happened to her? In addition to Yuka Kusanagi, Hata Kousaku is also surrounded by many companions with different personalities, such as the hot and cheerful childhood sweetheart Nakazawa Nori (voiced by Kana Hanazawa), the handsome and narcissistic Goma Tsugami (voiced by Shibuya Hatano), and the arrogant daughter Hudie Ryouta (voiced by Marina Inoue). With their company, Hata Kousaku's colorful study life begins.