If you are a businessman in the business, you can buy a クラフト・ロレンスは, a horse-drawn carriage, a horse with a head, a stick, a street, a street product, a を売り歩く日々を送っていた. The day, the golden wheat field, the small village, the visit to the village, the ear, the tail, the beauty, the girl, the meeting. 「わっちの名前はホロ」 himself is the incarnation of "Sage Wolf" とHUぶホロは, 豊穣を斯るwolfの的だった——. The girl's "far north にあるはずの古郷・ヨイツのsenへ帰りたい" というlooks みをheard き, ロレンスとホロは北を目 Refers to shangsiの路の道连れとなる. だが行商の路には思いがけない波乱がつきもので…. The solitary businessman, the incarnation of the solitary wolf, the horse-drawn carriage, the present, the 騒がしくwalking, the beginning.