Misuzu Moriya (voiced by Miku Ito) is a very shy girl. In life, she always hides in the dark and seems unwilling to get involved with anyone. In fact, Misuzu Moriya is very eager for friendship. She has a special ability, which is to stop time for 3 minutes. During these 3 minutes, Misuzu will always be curious and slowly study the people around her who are in a static state. One day, Misuzu used the same trick to stop time. This time, she couldn't help but peek at the underwear of a girl named Haruka Murakami (voiced by Yuya Miyamoto). Haruka Murakami is a recognized beautiful girl in the class. Not only does she have a good-looking appearance, but her grades are also among the best. She is very popular on campus. What Misuzu didn't expect was that her peeping behavior was seen by Haruka Murakami, who was not controlled by the time stop.