By chance, Junpei Manaka (voiced by Kenichi Suzumura) found a strange girl wearing strawberry panties on the rooftop of the school. With the important information of strawberry panties, Junpei, who was fascinated by the beauty of the girl, decided to find the girl in the vast crowd. Hard work pays off, and Junpei finally locked his target on the campus idol named Nishino Tsukasa (voiced by Emi Toyoguchi). However, is she really the girl at the beginning? It turns out that the girl's real name is Aya Tojo (voiced by Mamiko Noto). Junpei, who doesn't know the truth, is gradually attracted to Tojo, but unfortunately he has already established a romantic relationship with Nishino at this time. The cultural festival is coming soon, and Junpei decides to shoot a short story as a work. Friends such as Tojo, Kitaoji Satsuki (voiced by Sanae Kobayashi), and Minamido Yui (voiced by Nana Mizuki) also come to help. During the days of preparing the work, a relationship full of entanglements unfolds between these people.