Takamachi Nanoha (voiced by Yukari Tamura) is an ordinary high school junior. One day, on the way to school, she met Yuno (voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi) from the other world of Midkiluda. Yuno told Nanoha that she was looking for the ancient heritage "Sacred Stone Seed" that was lost in the world. This precious treasure contains huge energy. If it is abandoned, it may cause great damage to the human world. After a series of twists and turns, Nanoha became a magical girl who helped Yuno recover the seeds, and began a fantasy journey full of danger and excitement. One day, a blonde girl named Fate (voiced by Nana Mizuki) appeared in front of Nanoha. She and Nanoha are both magical girls who recover seeds, that is, their relationship is a competitor. Can Nanoha defeat such a strong opponent? For Fate, what kind of existence is the gentle and hardworking Nanoha?