In the eyes of outsiders, Yukino Miyazaki (voiced by Atsuko Enomoto) is an impeccable and perfect girl with excellent academic performance, cheerful personality, and helpfulness. But once she returns home, she immediately takes off her disguise, dresses sloppily, and has a bad temper. The most shocking thing is that Yukino's vanity for others' praise has expanded to the limit. By chance, Yukino's dual personality was discovered by her classmate Soichiro Arima (voiced by Chihiro Suzuki). However, Soichiro Arima did not hate Yukino because of this, but was gradually attracted by such a dual personality. Why is this? It turns out that Arima also has his own secrets. Arima was born in a medical family, with a gentle temperament and excellent grades. Such a person always gets everyone's attention, but this attention also brings him a lot of pressure. In order to maintain the perfect image of the past, he had to cover up his other twisted dark personality, which made him physically and mentally exhausted. Such Arima met Yukino, and he gradually realized in pain that he didn't have to wear a false mask all the time, at least in front of Yukino. A special feeling is slowly growing between that man and that woman.