Daisuke Higashida (voiced by Yuichi Nakamura) is an ordinary man who has to work in a family restaurant to make a living because of his poor family. Although Higashida is not good-looking, he has a very serious and down-to-earth character, so he is deeply trusted by his superiors and juniors. However, it didn't take long for Higashida to discover that this seemingly ordinary restaurant actually has very big problems. The female high school student foreman Miyakoshi Ka (voiced by Haruka Tomatsu), who works well, the lively and cheerful daughter Kamakura Shiho (voiced by Amamiya Sora), the frivolous male public relations Shindo Yuta (voiced by Kensho Ono), who exudes charm, the taciturn village owner Sayuri (voiced by Yoko Hikasa), who has super psychic powers, and the only normal person in the restaurant Adachi Masahiro (voiced by Koki Uchiyama). Surrounded by these people, what kind of working life will Higashida have?