Tokumitsu Moritaro is an ordinary high school boy who currently lives alone because of his parents' work. One day, a cute girl named Feiyu was lying on the balcony of his residence. She claimed to be an angel and came to the human world to learn about human-related things by the order of God! Moritaro was half-believing and half-doubting... In addition, his high school classmate Kotsumi seemed to be interested in Moritaro and said she would make a bento for him. There was also a cute girl in the restaurant where he worked part-time who said she wanted to be friends with him! Is this a peach blossom period or a peach blossom disaster? An ordinary high school boy is extraordinary, surrounded by beautiful girls, and everyone is envious of him but he is at a loss! This is a love story between an angel and a high school boy who started a childhood sweetheart cohabitation!