Due to his failed love experience in the past, Junichi Tachibana (voiced by Tomoaki Maeno) closed his heart and lost his confidence in love. Now, another Christmas is coming, and the idea of spending this white holiday with a girl suddenly occupies Junichi Tachibana's mind. However, he has not had contact with the opposite sex for a long time and he doesn't know how to fall in love. The excellent and always shining Akatsuki Koto (voiced by Kaori Nazuka), Junichi Tachibana's childhood sweetheart, Sakurai Rihoko (voiced by Ryo Shintani), who is a little innocent, Nanasaki Aoi (voiced by Yukana Nogami), who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside and is particularly good at sports, the carefree and cheerful Kaoru Tanamachi (voiced by Rina Sato), the knowledgeable and gentle soft girl Nakata Sae (voiced by Hiromi Konno), and the goddess Morishima Haruka (voiced by Shizuka Ito), who is admired by everyone on campus, when these girls appear one after another beside Junichi Tachibana, what choice will he make?