On a small island called Swarovski, there lives a young man named Flinder Lockwood (voiced by Bill Hader). He has had many ideas since he was a child and is keen on various scientific inventions, such as shoes without shoelaces, televisions that can walk automatically, flying cars, monkey language translators, etc. Although the ideas are good, they usually end in failure and disaster. Flinder never loses heart due to his mother's encouragement during her lifetime. He is brave and enjoys himself in the world of scientific inventions. However, his father can no longer tolerate his son's endless tossing, and he asks Flinder to help in his own store. At the same time, in order to solve the problem of local food shortage, Flinder secretly conducts research on super food machines. In the latest attempt, Flinder destroyed the newly unveiled Sardines Paradise, but his experiment also achieved results. In full view of the public, an incredible rain of hamburgers fell from the sky! Everything became interesting...