Kusunoki Yoshiko (voiced by Takahashi Mikako) is a 14-year-old junior high school student who has few friends in the class. However, she accidentally gets the favor of Yuzuki Kanako (voiced by Tomatsu Haruka), a very dazzling beautiful girl in the class. The two become friends. Unexpectedly, when they agreed to take the tram to see the lake, an accident happened. Kanako fell off the platform and was seriously injured by the train. Detective Kiba Shutaro (voiced by Seki Takaaki) investigated the case and found that Kanako seemed to have a mysterious and important identity. At the same time, with Tama as the center, many dismembered body fragments were found in the entire area. Atsuko Nakazenji (voiced by Kuwashima Houko), Tatsumi Sekiguchi (voiced by Kiuchi Hidenobu), and Morihiko Toriguchi (voiced by Namikawa Daisuke) who are concerned about the whole incident found strange buildings in the forest during the investigation, such as a huge box. The final answer to all the mysteries depends on Kyogokudo (voiced by Hiroaki Hirata) to uncover it...