This drama is adapted from the novel "Lover" serialized by Shemu Si on Douban Reading. The drama is based on the relaxing and healing fireworks of the city, showing a warm and loving group of characters, focusing on the extreme tug-of-war and two-way redemption love between adults. Chen Maidong (played by Li Xian) had a rebellious personality when he was young, and chose to become a body plastic surgeon after encountering life changes. Zhuang Jie (played by Zhou Yutong) was disabled in a car accident. In order to pursue a better self, she worked alone to become a workplace elite in a big city. One is a body plastic surgeon with a rebellious personality but lonely in body and mind, and the other is a medical salesperson with physical defects but brave and dazzling. In the constant tug-of-war, they gradually understand and respect each other, and heal each other's "imperfections" with love.