This drama tells the story of Isonomiya Rinko, the daughter of Prince Kanin Naohito, the son of Emperor Higashiyama, and the daughter of a noble family with royal blood. She grew up honestly in Kyoto. She has a pure and gentle character who never doubts others, but on the other hand, she is strong and smart. However, as a bridge between the court and the shogunate, Rinko was forced to have a political marriage with the next shogun Tokugawa Ieharu. The trick of fate made it impossible for her to escape, and various tests stood in front of her. The previous 9th shogun Tokugawa Ieshige died mysteriously, and Ieharu became the 10th shogun. Rinko went to the male-restricted Ooku as the shogun's wife, but she had a good impression of her childhood sweetheart Kuga Nobumichi in Kyoto.