In this moody, tense thriller that moves from the crime scene to the lab, forensic pathologists face both personal and professional challenges. Amanda Burton reprises her role as Sam Ryan in a dramatic return to Silent Witness for the 25th anniversary series. Amanda first appeared in the title role of pathologist Sam Ryan in 1996, starring in 54 episodes before leaving in 2004 when her character returned to Northern Ireland to be with her family. Amanda Burton said: “I’m so excited to be returning to Silent Witness and stepping back into Sam Ryan’s shoes, it’s so different! Audiences can look forward to seeing the many twists and turns Sam goes through since leaving Lyall.” Amanda stars alongside fellow cast members Emilia Fox (Nikki Alexander), David Kraft (Jack Hodgson) and Genesis Lynea (Simone Tyler) in six brand new episodes, which will mark the 25th anniversary of the popular primetime BBC One drama. Emilia Fox said: “What a pleasure and excitement it has been to work with Amanda. Having Sam Ryan at the centre of the show again is the perfect way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Silent Witness.”