Kotoko Aihara (voiced by Nana Mizuki) is a very ordinary female high school student in all aspects. When she just entered high school, she fell in love at first sight with the popular schoolboy Naoki Irie (voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa), and now she is already a prospective graduate, and there is still a very long distance between her and Naoki. Will this situation continue until graduation? Anxious Kotoko handed over the love letter regardless. Unexpectedly, Naoki cruelly rejected Kotoko's confession without even looking at it. The lost Kotoko returned home, and a major earthquake occurred that night, and Kotoko's home was destroyed in the earthquake. Father Shigeo (voiced by Toshi Shimada) entrusted Kotoko to his friend, but he didn't expect that this friend was actually Naoki's father! In this way, Kotoko and Naoki, who she had been thinking about day and night, began to live together. In the day and night, will Naoki change his impression of Kotoko?