This film is set against the backdrop of the "Bingzi Rebellion". Thirteen years ago, the loyal minister Choi Pyeong-ryong was exterminated for "treason". His son and daughter, Nam-yi (Park Hae-il) and Ja-in (Moon Chae-won), escaped by chance, and Choi Pyeong-ryong fought to death. Nam-yi took his father's bow and arrow and instructions, and went to the family of Kim Woo-sun, his father's best friend, with his sister. Time flies. In 1636, Kim Woo-sun's son Seo-jun proposed to Ja-in. Nam-yi, who was passive because of his father's experience, felt that her identity as a descendant of the Choi family was sensitive and wanted to refuse the marriage. However, Seo-jun was sincere and Kim Woo-sun insisted, and the Choi and Kim families got married. However, on the day of the wedding, the Later Jin invaded Korea. Soon, Joseon Injo surrendered and became a vassal. Seo-jun and Ja-in were abducted by the Manchu army. Nam-yi, who had outstanding archery skills, tracked them along the way, waiting for an opportunity to rescue his relatives. Nam-yi's elusive sniping and tracking also attracted the attention of the Manchu archer general...