Mai Taniyama (voiced by Kaori Nazuka) is a high school girl with foresight and induction abilities. By chance, she met the handsome and narcissistic Kazuya Shibuya (voiced by Yong Tai). It turns out that he is a professional spirit hunter and the director of an office specializing in investigating supernatural events. He has an assistant named Xingxu Lin. There are rumors in Mai's school that the old school building is cursed by spirits. Kazuya Shibuya was commissioned by the principal to come to the school to investigate. Also called in were the shrine maiden Ayako Matsuzaki, the monk Hosho Takigawa, the exorcist John Brown and the psychic Hara Masago. When the group was investigating, various accidents occurred. What kind of power was at work? After the incident was resolved, Kazuya Shibuya invited Mai to work part-time at his Shibuya Psychic Research Institute (SPR). SPR accepts various commissions and investigates various supernatural events. Mai and Shibuya not only use their own superpowers to solve problems, but also use modern scientific explanations.