The magical experience of witnessing a UFO in childhood changed the lives of the Nanbo brothers. In 2026, the younger brother Hihito (voiced by KENN) realized his dream and will go to the moon with his colleagues from NASA. At the same time, the talented and well-known brother Rokuta (voiced by Hiroaki Hirata), a doctor of engineering, was fired for colliding with his boss and was banned by the entire industry. The stubborn and arrogant Rokuta encountered obstacles everywhere on the road to job hunting, and his mood gradually fell to the bottom. At this critical moment, his younger brother's recording of the year awakened his memory of the promise of "going to the moon together". Rokuta regrouped, participated in the selection training, and headed towards the moon of childhood with his younger brother... This film is adapted from the original work of the same name by Chuya Koyama, and the film was also adapted into a live-action movie version in 2012 and put on the screen.