Akamatsu Yuki (voiced by Yasuaki Uchitaku), a freshman at the Kyuubun Gakuen, was asked by his cousin Nikaido Ayaka (voiced by Reina Maeda) to join the Second News Department. As the department director, Ayaka plans to set up a life discussion platform to answer questions for all students who are troubled and have problems. For this purpose, she invited the calm and intelligent science student Endo Rino (voiced by Hiyori Nitta), the gentle and considerate liberal arts student Kujo Fumi (voiced by Moe Toyota), and the athletic but careless sports student Suzuki Ikumi (voiced by Ayaka Suwa) to join. Three girls, three personalities, three opinions, when they can't agree, they will choose the final guidance in a unique way. If you have any troubles in life, why not come to the Second News Department for consultation! This film is adapted from the original work by Kawagishi Ouyu.