13-year-old Abe Masahiro (voiced by Kaida Yuki) is the grandson of Abe Haruaki, the greatest onmyoji in Japan. As the only heir of Haruaki, he has no mana - he cannot see monsters. When he wanted to give up the path of onmyoji and work hard to cultivate other talents, a mysterious little monster that has always been shaped like a white cat appeared beside him. At the same time, evil spirits were rampant in Kyoto, so his grandfather entrusted Changhao to repel the monsters. Changhao, who had no mana, had to take this little cat monster with him as his eyes to "see monsters". After several fierce battles, Changhao repelled the monsters that were raging in Kyoto and restored the mana that was sealed many years ago. At the same time, he also learned that the little cat monster was the shikigami of his grandfather Abe Haruaki - Tengshe Honglian. Although he has restored his mana, Changhao is still very immature as an onmyoji. So he made a great wish and vowed to surpass his grandfather and become the strongest onmyoji. Together with his companion Tengshe Honglian, he embarked on the road of practice...