Tachibana Akira (voiced by Watanabe Sayumi) has a cold appearance, but her heart is very naive and simple. Tachibana was once a seed player of the school track and field team, but she chose to quit because of various accidents. After that, Tachibana came to work in a family restaurant called "GARDEN". The owner of the restaurant is a man named Kondo Masaki (voiced by Hiroaki Hirata). He has been divorced once and has a child. Kondo, who looks sloppy and doesn't care about anything, unexpectedly attracted Tachibana's attention. Gradually, Tachibana fell hopelessly in love with this man who was 28 years older than her. When this hot feeling could no longer be hidden, Tachibana confessed to Kondo, but in return, he was rejected by the other party. But Tachibana was not discouraged. She chose to stay with Kondo as a friend, with a little expectation, hoping that her unrequited love, which was as long as the rainy season, would usher in a little sunny day.