Han Xia Tian (Jung Yu-mi), a beautiful woman in her thirties, is an accomplished home designer. A few years ago, she had a boyfriend, Jiang Taihe (Wen Zhenghe). The uneventful five-year love affair seemed to have exhausted all their passion, and the relationship ended in vain. One day, Xia Tian unexpectedly reunited with Taihe during an argument with her current boyfriend, Nanhezhen (Sheng Jun). After several meetings, old memories were instantly revived, and the attachment that was thought to be gone seemed to have been re-injected with the breath of life. Two men and a woman, so what even if they are adults? In front of love, they are still like ignorant children. They go around in circles, chasing each other, thinking that they understand the meaning of love, but how can they take the initiative, and eventually become slaves of love. Scarred all over, at all costs...