On the way back from visiting their mother's grave, Shinji (voiced by Ogata Megumi) and Katsuragi Misato (voiced by Mitsuishi Kotono) were attacked by the Seventh Angel. At the critical moment, Unit 2 defeated the opponent with great momentum, and Shinji also met the operator of Unit 2, Shikigami Asuka Langley (voiced by Miyamura Yuko). Unlike the taciturn Rei Ayanami (voiced by Hayashibara Megumi), Asuka is confident and even a little arrogant. During the days she spent with Shinji, they made a lot of jokes with each other. The three of them drove Unit 0, Unit 01 and Unit 2 respectively, resisting the fierce attack of the Eighth Angel. In the process, a faint feeling quietly sprouted in the hearts of these three young men and women. Soon after, the Ninth and Tenth Angels came one after another, and Shinji and his friends faced the cruel test of life and death... This film is the second part of the four-part Evangelion New Theatrical Edition.