Although Uzumaki Boruto (voiced by Yuko Sanpei) is the son of the Seventh Hokage Uzumaki Naruto (voiced by Junko Takeuchi), he is not proud of his father, and there are many misunderstandings between father and son. In order to defeat his father, Boruto is ready to become a disciple of Uchiha Sasuke (voiced by Sugiyama Noriaki). At the same time, Boruto forms a team with Sasuke's daughters Sarana (voiced by Kikuchi Shin) and Mitsuki (played by Kijima Ryuichi) to participate in the examination for the lower shadow. The examination for the lower shadow begins, and Boruto is eager to win. Unexpectedly, during the examination, the mysterious villains Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Kinshiki launched a sudden attack, and Naruto fell into crisis in order to protect Konoha Village. Boruto began to get to know his father again, and started the battle to save Naruto with his father's old friends such as Sasuke and Gaara.