The Hundred Years War, a sea of blood. After countless battlefield killings, Guts (voiced by Iwanaga Hiroaki), who once thought that he could survive in troubled times with his own strength, gradually established a deep sense of trust and friendship with Casca and other comrades. The mercenary unit he relied on, the "Eagle Corps", rose rapidly and became the regular army of the Kingdom of Midland with its powerful fighting power. At the same time, Midland was preparing to launch a general attack on the deadly fortress of the Kingdom of Yoda, Doldore. Griffith took the initiative to volunteer to go to war and took a crucial step in determining the situation of the Hundred Years War. However, Griffith (voiced by Sakurai Takahiro), the captain of the "Eagle Corps" who once made Guts willing to dirty his hands, seemed to slowly deteriorate under the halo of glory. The struggle in the palace, the hearts gradually became distant... This film is adapted from the original work of the same name by cartoonist Kentaro Miura. It is the second part of the "Golden Age" trilogy. The other two parts are "Overlord's Egg" and "Advent".