The drama is adapted from the popular webtoon of the same name. It tells the story of Zheng Beidong, who was demoted from the Dama Group and became the president of the large store "Cholima Supermarket". Kim Byung-chul plays Zheng Beidong, a core cadre of the Dama Group. He is called "a bulldozer with a computer" and has patience and observation. He becomes the new store manager of the Cheolima Supermarket and throws himself into the hot-blooded battlefield of the Fuxing Supermarket. He is a man with a strong sense of urgency, straightforwardness, great self-confidence and perseverance, and has a very high self-esteem. Although he is often said to look like a drunkard, he is actually a middle-aged man. Directed by Park Seung-ryong, director of "Miss Young-ae" and "The Princess Left Over".