Okada Takeo (voiced by Takuya Eguchi) is a freshman at Jiying High School, and is affiliated with the Judo Club. He is tall and strong, but he is loved and trusted by his companions because of his kind and straightforward personality. Sunagawa Makoto (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki) is Takeo's childhood friend. He is handsome and popular with girls. From childhood to adulthood, all the girls that Takeo likes will always be attracted by Cheng. Over time, Takeo has become accustomed to it. By chance, Takeo rescued a cute girl named Yamato Rinko (voiced by Megumi Han) from a pervert on the train. The gentle and lovely Rinko hit Takeo's dead spot, but Takeo thought that Rinko should like Cheng. What Takeo didn't expect was that Rinko actually liked the strong Takeo. After Cheng learned of Rinko's feelings, he began to actively matchmake between the two.