This drama is adapted from Douban Reading's serial novel "Little Days", written by Yi Bei. Gu Moli (played by Tong Yao) and Zhu Jincao (played by Chen Xiao) struggled all the way from their hometown to take root in Shanghai to form a family of two, but marriage brought another problem that should not be a problem-how they get along with their parents. From the disappearance of personal space to the house purchase incident, from disagreements with each other's parents to disagreements between the two. Little days are full of crises, and when it is out of control, the couple finds that it is their own fault. After the divorce cooling-off period, the two decided to divorce and re-sort out their family relationship. With the arrival of the divorce certificate, the challenges of the young couple and both families have just begun. Growth is always accompanied by bumps and bumps. After the divorce, the two encountered a crisis of trust, a financial crisis, and a crisis of long-distance travel, which also made them understand the responsibilities of the family more. With the resolution of the problem, the parents of both sides also understood that they should learn to let go and let their children grow up on their own. In the end, Jasmine and Jincao reconciled and remarried, and they strengthened their confidence to go on together.