Luffy (voiced by Mayumi Tanaka) and his Straw Hat Pirates embark on a new adventure in the New World. This time they come to the world's largest entertainment city - Gran Tesoro. It is home to wealthy people, pirates, and navy from all over the world. It is also an independent country and a demilitarized zone recognized by the government. It is an "absolute sanctuary" that the world government cannot easily touch. Gild Tesoro (voiced by Kazuhiro Yamaji), known as the "Golden Emperor", is the supreme leader of the Absolute Sanctuary. It is said that he has magical powers that ordinary people can hardly imagine after eating the Gold-Gold Fruit. At this time, he is implementing his plan to dominate the world in an orderly manner. On the other hand, Luffy and his group, who originally planned to make a fortune, fell into Gild Tesoro's money trap, and they were then involved in the huge vortex of the "Heavenly Gold" dedicated to the Celestial Dragons and the revolutionary army against the government. A new fight is inevitable... This film is the 13th theatrical animation of the classic comic "One Piece".