The story takes place at Fujimi Academy. On a quiet afternoon, the protagonist Komuro Takashi was skipping classes and was in a daze on the rooftop of the school. Suddenly, the school was attacked by them, and the people who were attacked were resurrected after death and became their partners again. They will not stop moving unless their heads are destroyed! With only this information, Takashi and his childhood sweetheart Miyamoto Rei and his good friend Igo Naga can only keep escaping. The school that was peaceful a few hours ago was filled with zombies a few hours later. People bitten by zombies will also become zombies. These zombies are called dead zombies. The few people who survived took up weapons and fought against the living dead zombies. Can they break out of the heavy siege and reach a safe area? It all depends on their efforts. When the whole world fell into despair, what changed the world? You? Me? Or has God abandoned us? Why is this? Put aside the doubts, confusion, suspicion, and struggles of human nature for the time being, and fight for survival! Don't let fear cover your eyes and heart. Faced with the terrifying dead bodies, can humans really survive bravely?