Jinta Sukumi (voiced by Miyu Irino), Meiko Honma (voiced by Ai Chino), Naruko Anjo (voiced by Haruka Tomatsu), Hisakawa Tetsudo (voiced by Takayuki Kondo), Matsuyuki Shu (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai), and Chiriko Tsurumi (voiced by Saori Hayami) were once the best playmates in childhood. They were close to each other and called each other by their nicknames. The six little guys even established a secret base and named their small group "Super Peace Busters". However, an accident caused the children to have grudges against each other. As they grew older, they gradually drifted apart, embarked on different life journeys, and lost contact with each other. One day, "Menma" Meiko suddenly appeared in front of Jinta, and Jinta was surprised to find that Meiko's appearance and personality had hardly changed over time. At Meiko's call, the lost friends came together again... This film is an original animation of A-1 Pictures, with a total of 11 episodes.