The show stars Constance Wu and Randall Park as a Chinese-American couple, Jessica and Louis, while Ming-Na Wen will play Jessica's new best friend, Elaine, a Chinese-American who is a close sister type of person and is known as the "Chinese Oprah" [laugh cry]. She is humorous and intelligent, and is the image of the Chinese friend that Jessica has always dreamed of. They have a lot in common. Lee plays Julius from Elaine's family, a man who loves steak, apple pie, Dallas Cowboys and many other American things. Louis quickly became friends with him, but the appearance of an old friend of Louis put their friendship to the test. Ouyang Wancheng plays Horace, the son of Elaine and Julius, a talented and easy-going artist who skipped two grades and went to Harvard on a full scholarship at the age of 16. Jessica quickly fell in love with this child prodigy, but there were some secrets in his past...