"Jealousy Incarnate" tells the story of fierce competition and love between the anchor and the weatherman in a TV station. It is written by the screenwriter Seo Suk-hyang, who also starred in the 2010 TV series "Pasta", in which Kong Hyo-jin starred. Currently, Kong Hyo-jin is actively discussing the role of a weatherman who has no money and no background in the play. If Kong Hyo-jin is confirmed to star in the play, this drama will be Kong Hyo-jin's return to the screen after a year since "Producer", and it will also be a work that she and screenwriter Seo Suk-hyang will work together again, so it is particularly anticipated by the public. In addition, actor Jo Jung-seok is also expected to play the role of Kong Hyo-jin's opponent, and is currently in active discussion. The drama is expected to be broadcast in July.