The story takes place in the Lee Soon-cho family in Heishokdong, Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Their son Lee Min-young (Choi Min-young) and his wife Shin-ji (Shin-ji) are officially divorced. Shin-ji leaves her children to study in Russia and rents the house to her classmate Seo Min-jeong (Seo Min-jeong). Min-young lives in his parents' home, but Shin-ji is robbed in Russia and becomes penniless and has to return home to live with Min-jeong. Min-young's mother Luo Wenji (Luo Wenji) once again becomes a babysitter to take care of the children, and at the same time endures her husband Lee Soon-jae (Lee Soon-jae) and daughter-in-law Park Hae-mi (Park Hae-mi). The mysterious Kang Youmi (Park Min-young) and her family move to the vicinity of Heishokdong, and Lee Min-ho (Kim Hye-sung), who is impressed by the beauty, embarks on his first love journey. Min-young cannot stand his sister-in-law's invasion of his privacy and often starts an unstoppable family war with her. The new teacher Min-jeong gradually falls in love with Shin-ji's ex-husband Min-young, while Lee Yun-ho (played by Ding Yiu) falls in love with his own teacher Min-jeong. A complicated love affair revolves around the four people...