The American TV series "12 Monkeys", adapted from the classic science fiction film of the same name, has recently been confirmed to be aired on the Syfy channel of NBC TV in the United States on the evening of January 16, 2015, and the extended trailer has also been released. Like the 1995 movie version, the drama still tells the story of the protagonist being sent to the past to stop the 12 monkeys from developing a deadly virus in order to save most of the human race who will die tragically from the disease in the future. Aaron Stanford, who played a computer expert in the American TV series "Nikita", will play the protagonist James Cole, a role played by the famous Hollywood tough guy Bruce Willis in the movie version. Cole returns from 2043 to 2013 to find out the truth about the virus and save all mankind. In the movie, the character played by Brad Pitt will "change gender" and will be taken over by actress Emily Hampshire. The TV version of "12 Monkeys" will be completely different from the movie plot. "We don't want to just do a remake," the show's producer Terry Matalas said in an interview. "The theme of the story is still the same, but the plot is completely different." In the latest trailer, the suspenseful color and shocking scenes of the plot can awaken the memories of many fans. Overall, this may be the best quality TV series broadcast on the Syfy channel.