Superintendent Masahiro Kohirumaki Yuichi (played by Dean Fujioka) graduated with first place in the Department of Life Science and Engineering at Teito University and entered the National Police Agency. He lost his beloved wife and raised his young daughter as a single father. He believed in the light of science and established the "Science Crime Countermeasures Office", a department that specializes in dealing with issues related to cutting-edge science and technology. He also hired the genius scientist Tomokiko Mogami (played by Yukino Kishii) as an advisor. The cases handed over to the Science Crime Countermeasures Office are cases that the police agency cannot handle. According to previous thinking, they are just "incredible and incomprehensible events." The two are not so-called scientific searches, but are using searches to unravel the science itself hidden behind the events. @哦撸马(阿点)