The story begins six years ago. Jian Anjie (played by Wang Ziwen) made an irreparable mistake in an accident. After that, she left home and came to France. During these six years, Jian Anjie's heart was full of regret and resentment. She regretted what she had done and resented her family who refused to forgive her. In fact, Xi Xichen (played by Jia Nailiang) has been silently paying attention to and helping Jian Anjie. In an accident, Jian Anjie's eyes and hands were seriously injured and she lost her sight. In the hospital, a nurse named Ivis was responsible for taking care of her. Ivis's gentleness and patience gradually melted the ice in Jian Anjie's heart. Under his careful care, Jian Anjie gradually recovered her health. However, when she wanted to see what Ivis looked like, the latter disappeared.