Xiaoqing (voiced by Aika Rikako) has lived in a lively and leisurely tropical rainforest with her mother Vida (voiced by Morota Kaori) since she was a child. Although her mother's childish personality often creates a lot of trouble for Xiaoqing, the life of the two people is still warm and happy. On this day, the drunk Vida brought back a cute girl with a pink breath all over her body-Abu (voiced by Watanabe Naoko) from somewhere. Everyone in the tropical rainforest likes this cute girl, but only Xiaoqing knows that behind Abu's "commercial" expression, there is a gloomy face with sharp eyes. As the face changes, his optimistic and cheerful personality will become unusually black-bellied. Abu's ever-changing personality made Xiaoqing suffer a lot, but Xiaoqing also understood that this is Abu's unique way of "caring" for others. For Xiaoqing, with Abu, the quiet and boring life in the past will never return. A future full of excitement and adventure is waiting for him, and also waiting for the old and young in the tropical rainforest.