One rainy night, the young manga artist Nishi (voiced by Koji Imada) met his first love, Mi (voiced by Sayaka Maeda) at the subway station. When Nishi sent Mi home, he learned that Mi was engaged. Later, he was invited by Mi to drink at the pub. Mi's fiancé also came. Although Nishi was jealous of Mi's fiancé, he felt inferior. At this time, the gangsters came to the store. It turned out that Mi was being chased by the gangsters. They knocked out Mi's boyfriend and wanted to rape Mi, while Nishi curled up and dared not move. The gangsters found Nishi on the side and shot his asshole with a gun. The moment before, Nishi was still intoxicated with the sweetness of meeting his first love, and the next moment he was shot in the anus, piercing his brain and died. When Nishi and others went to heaven, Nishi felt that he died ugly, regretted that his life was so cowardly, and was determined to revive again. They violated God's will and returned to the world on earth, but they came to the belly of a whale by mistake. What will be waiting for them next...