"Golgoku 13" is a work that follows the world trend, and is mainly based on current events. The occurrence and causes of major and minor events have become the materials collected by Saito Takao. The world history of the past 30 years is clear at a glance in "Golgoku 13". It allows people who read comics to roughly understand the changes in the world, from "Persian Gulf War", "NATO's repair of Yugoslavia", "Clinton's love history", "Hollywood at the end of the century", and even "Pope's assassination"... "Golgoku 13" interprets the whole story of the event for readers from another perspective. "Golgoku 13" uses the extraordinary sniper as the introduction, involving various inside stories of the event! The story starts from real people and real events, and the fictional plot strengthens the content, so that ordinary people can not only see the various forms of human intrigue in the wonderful story, but also feel the warm and touching side. Therefore, it is particularly popular among office workers.