The first semester of the fourth grade continues the character stories of the first two seasons. With primary school student Mi Xiaoquan as the protagonist, the series revolves around his friendship, school and family, and tells the colorful, imaginative and childlike daily life of the children in Class 5 of the fourth grade of Qiushi Primary School who have grown up one year: the classmates plan the Traditional Virtue Cultural Festival together to promote the good qualities of honesty and trustworthiness; Mi Xiaoquan can't stand being controlled by Li Li every day, and after rebelling against Li Li, he realizes that he has neglected Li Li's contribution to the class; the iron triangles find an ancient "treasure map" in the sports equipment room, and finally see the beautiful sunset at the designated time and place in the school. It turns out that as long as you have eyes to discover beauty, you can see the beauty of the world. There are treasures everywhere; Mi Xiaoquan was wrongly accused of doing something bad, and the classmates who stood up to speak for Mi Xiaoquan made Mi Xiaoquan feel the warmth of trust; in order to buy a beloved toy, Mi Xiaoquan worked for his father and realized the difficulty of labor; Tie Sanjiao signed up for the young musician competition, boasted that he wanted to form a band, and performed air guitar on the stage, which unexpectedly won everyone's applause; in the relay race, Mi Xiaoquan ran as fast as he could and won a medal for the class; the whole class stopped their busy work because of the power outage and gathered together to listen to each other's voices... and so on.