The drama is set in Kamakura, Japan and Busan, South Korea, and depicts a family story in a changing era: the eldest daughter, Shibuya Yoko (Matsu Takako), a freelance editor living in Kamakura, her younger sister, Shibuya Mikako (Tabe Mikako), who has an unstable job, and her younger brother, Shibuya Ushio (Matsusaka Tori), who works as a lineman at Enoshima Electric Railway, lost their parents and grandmother in a traffic accident. On the way back from the 23rd memorial service, Mikako suddenly told everyone, "Let's go to Korea!" This is an opportunity for the siblings to take a different path in life. At the same time, the elder sister meets the popular writer Hyakume Kiken (Hoshino Gen) who is obsessed with Yoko and stubbornly pesters her.